6 Keys to Client Interaction

By: Wei Guo - Sr. Principal Consultant
Published: April 13, 2020

You Need To Know!

Don’t be afraid to take fault.

I’ve been surprised to see how many people will try to push the blame to others when clearly, they have made a mistake. In general, people will understand if you own up to your mistakes and provide a solution to correct the mistake. Only by recognizing the mistake, we can correct it and become better, and you will be respected for it.

Don’t focus on the problem, focus on the solution.

The best way to address an issue is focusing on the solution instead of pointing fingers. In the time spent trying to figure out who will take the blame, you might have figured out the solution already.

Don’t ever pin the fault on the client.

This doesn’t mean client is always right, they most likely are not. But you will never know how a client will react when they are accused of wrongdoing even if it’s true. The best way to approach this, is present the facts, and have the client realize themselves that they have made a mistake.

Try not to use words with too much certainty.

For example, if you have resolved a problem, don’t say “I have resolved the problem”, instead say “I seem to have found a solution”. This will protect you incase future issue comes up. Communication is key whether you’re in a meeting with a big group or assigning requests to a single client. Try not to over talk while the client is speaking. Wait to hear their requests and then add a comment regarding the requests.

Organize your thoughts before speaking.

This seems easy enough, but it’s hard to do. Sometimes we respond out of reaction, and do not have enough time to process the words before speaking. Speaking slower will give more time to process thoughts. Also, it is key to think ahead on possible response or questions that the client may have before initiating a conversion.

Use less words.

his goes with #5, as part organization of speech. Try to be as precise and direct as possible, people do not have time or do not want to listen to long boring explanations. Provide key points, then explain details upon request.


At CloudADDIE minimizing risk is held with great importance. No matter how great your product is or how talented your staff may be, clients are most likely to remember the direct interaction they have with your company. 6 Key tips to keep in mind when interacting with clients: Don't be afraid to take fault, focus on the solution when a problem arises, never pin fault on the client, try not to use words with too much certainty, organizing thoughts before speaking, and using less words are all tips to insure the quality of your client interactions.


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