An Overview of Report Packages in EPM Narrative Reporting

By: Kristianne Baugh - Data Analyst
Published: June 21, 2021

The Importance of Report Packages

Report Packages provide the ability for multiple people within your company to view information and data various sources. This also allows each person to review the report package for accuracy and clarity. Not only does your company benefit from having pertinent data in one place, but you can create and use a report package for an intended audience, such as a potential client or investor.

What is a Report Package and What Does it Include?

A Report Package combines doclets that contain documents, such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and many others, into a unifying structure where users can manage the information, workflow, and processes. This prevents the overwhelming complexity that exists when dealing with a regular annual report, business proposition, or investor presentation.

Functions of a Report Package

The kind of Report Package that you want depends on the type of information that you wish to convey, whether it be for financials or for a new seasonal plan. Once you add the doclets that you wish to use, you have the ability to group them into sections. You can also assign certain members of your company to be able to edit, approve, and/or, review whenever you are ready for the next step.

Once the Report Package is finished and approved, you have an option to lock the report so that no changes are made until you are ready. While there are many different kinds of reporting services, Report Packages allow you complete control over who has access and what kind of access to certain parts of the package. This prevents confusion and accidental mistakes.


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